2783 Martin Rd.
Dublin, OH 43017
9891 Montgomery, Rd.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
2324 Stanley Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45404
Multi-Zone Paging Interface Public Address PA System
Our experienced technicians are trained on all kinds, types and sizes of overhead paging, PA and public address systems. Old or new, large or small we have serviced them.
Night ringers, volume controls, feedback eliminators, event timers, horns, bells and whistles. Manufacturers like Bogen, Wheelock, Valcom, Atlas and Viking. We service them, we install them and we aren’t guessing, we know them.
We have many amplifiers, horn speakers, ceiling speakers and repair parts in stock at our office to get your system up and operating the same day. We have an extensive supplier network that can provide us with almost any equipment including unusual and outdated brands. We can usually have your system operational by the next morning.
[pdf-embedder url=”https://puthoff.us/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/viking499.pdf”]
The ZPI-4 is a four-zone touch tone controlled paging system capable of
switching a line level signal (600 ohms) to amplifiers, an amplified signal to 70V speakers, or an amplified signal (200 watts maximum) to 8 ohm speakers. The ZPI-4 features balanced audio circuitry throughout for low noise and compatibility with balanced paging system inputs and
outputs.There are separate level controls for paging and background music, and background music can be disabled on a perzone basis. Also provided is a night bell with adjustable volume activated by a dry contact closure or a ringing analog PABX/KSU station.
ZPI-4 Four Zone Paging Interface
January 27, 2016 The ZPI-4 is compatible with ringing analog PABX/KSU station ports (disconnects on silence, CPC, busy, Touch Tone (#) or timeout) as well as unused trunk inputs, and will interface directly with standard paging ports
• Touch Tone control of four zones, expandable
to 8 zones
• Switches line level signal to amplifiers or
amplified signal to speakers (amplifier(s) not
• Balanced audio circuitry for low noise
• Night bell warble with adjustable level from
contact closure or ringing analog station
• Input provided for background music
• Separate paging and background music level
• Background music automatically mutes in
paged zone(s) in all but single amplifier mode
• All-call and five group call patterns, selected by
Touch Tones
• Selectable page alert tone with adjustable level
• Interfaces with ringing analog station ports,
paging ports and unused phone system trunk
• Disconnects on silence, CPC, busy, touch
tone “# or time-out
• Screw terminals for all input/output connections
• Multiple zone paging for phone systems with
paging ports, unused analog station ports or
unused trunk inputs
• Multiple department manufacturing business
• Multi-level warehouse
• Multiple building office complex