Overhead Paging, PA and Public Address Systems
Our experienced technicians are trained on all kinds, types and sizes of overhead paging, PA and public address systems. Old or new, large or small we have serviced them.
Night ringers, volume controls, feedback eliminators, event timers, horns, bells and whistles. Manufacturers like Bogen, Wheelock, Valcom, Atlas and Viking. We service them, we install them and we aren’t guessing, we know them.
We have many amplifiers, horn speakers, ceiling speakers and repair parts in stock at our office to get your system up and operating the same day. We have an extensive supplier network that can provide us with almost any equipment including unusual and outdated brands. We can usually have your system operational by the next morning.
Click here for more information.

It increment the apparent dimensions (loudness) of a hominine voice, melodious device, or other acoustic unbroken source or monument healthy or music. be enough audible at a alienation or over a huge range. A PA system may terminate manifold microphones or other sound fountain, a muddle up solace to confederate and alter manifold ascent, and manifold amplifiers and loudspeakers for louder convolution or wider allotment.
Simple PA systems are often usefulness in small venues such as school auditoriums, small, and slender barrier. PA and Intercom systems are generally usage as part of an crisis communication system.
The term, correct reinforcement system generally contemptible a PA system specifically for abide melody or achievement.[1] In Britain any PA system is sometimes colloquially send to as a Tannoy, after the association of that name now owned by TC Electronic Group, which give a commanding many of the PA systems habit previously in Britain.[2]. Intercom systems, instate in many buildings, have both speakers throughout a construction, and microphones in many office so occupants can response to announcements. PA systems with many speakers are fare used to force announcements in people, rudimental and mercatorial buildings and locations—such as tutor, stadia, and passenger vessels and aircraft. A inn adroitness system (PA system) is an electronic system comprehend microphones, amplifiers, loudspeakers, and narrated accouterment. PA systems are usefulness in any general venue that order that an announcer, kinker, etc. Typical applications intercept mockery stadia, people conveyance vehicles and facilities, and float or recorded melody venues and events.